Sustainability in planning, design and architecture
We are increasingly realising that there is only one Earth, which we have been ruthlessly exploiting to date, that the climate is no longer changing in eons but in decades and that we do not have an unlimited supply of raw materials. There cannot and must not be a "business as usual", but it is not enough to tweak a few things; we have to completely rethink our lives in this world. This also applies to a large extent to the built world. Architects, engineers, planners and entrepreneurs face enormous challenges in the design, planning and realisation of future projects. We want to accompany this process of transformation with our publications.
Analysis, status report, solution approaches

non nobis Band 1
Ausgehen muss man von dem, was ist

non nobis Band 2
Die Randbedingungen des Zukünftigen

non nobis Band 3
What is already being done

The first edition of the yearbook Sustainable Architecture & Design 2023 / 2024
50 international projects present the most innovative and forward-looking solutions in five categories, whose contribution to Baukultur development is clearly recognisable. The focus is on all relevant areas of transformation development: use of resources, circular processes, biodiversity and much more. The editors take a holistic view of current developments in the construction industry and whet the appetite for something new. With InteriorPark. they have been driving sustainable developments in the construction industry since 2010.