How can artificial intelligence revolutionise interactions with visitors, ecological intelligence promote sustainable solutions, emotional intelligence create lasting ties between brands
and people, and artistic intelligence transform places into creative spaces? How can technological intelligence push the boundaries of what is possible and how can collective and social intelligence culminate in participatory concepts? The latest edition of the Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual aims to answer these questions and inspire exciting new projects by showcasing outstanding projects and presenting essays contributed by true industry experts.Search inside (pdf)Hersteller/manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Kontakt/contact: General information on product safety
Whether it is the revitalisation of entire districts or the seasonal redesign of individual retail spaces – the topics of re-use and building on the fabric of existing buildings are becoming increasingly relevant throughout the retail sector. Creative re-use of empty department stores and shopping centres frees up space and resources. Exceptional concepts are presented in this yearbook. The author and architect Dr. Jons Messedat
has been teaching the subject of Construction and Space at
HAWK Hildesheim since 2016. He is an expert in the international
retail design and corporate architecture scene.
The world is in motion – and live communication along with it.
There is particularly positive movement in the field of sustainability,
with great transformation pressure and noticeably growing
awareness. Social involvement is increasing, many seek to
forge a sense of community and solidarity with their projects and
to call for diversity, democracy and tolerance. At the same time,
new technologies such as artificial intelligence are driving the
developments forwards, extending not only the possibilities but
also the challenges.Search inside (PDF)
When it comes to sustainable brand presentations, the question is no longer whether we can conserve resources and build green, but how! Sustainability has become a must. But to make circular brand spaces a reality, everyone – from exhibitors to designers to visitors – needs to pull in the same direction.
The new issue of the Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual features successful examples that demonstrate an
intentional approach to people and the environment – and
are inspiring to boot.Editor Janina Poesch is a qualified architect, trained journalist and freelance author of numerous publications on the topics of the future, scenography and (brand) communication in space. She teaches Brand Spaces at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and greatly appreciates the common thread in (brand) stories – the PLOT …Search inside (pdf)
50 international projects in five categories present the most
innovative and forward-looking solutions, whose contribution
to building culture development is clearly evident. The focus
is on all the relevant themes of transformation development:
use of resources, circular processes, biodiversity etc. The editors
take a comprehensive look at current developments in
the building sector and inspire novelty. With InteriorPark., they
have been driving sustainable developments in the building
sector forwards since 2010.Search inside (pdf)
The new edition has been shaped by a both turbulent and exciting
year. The demand for events and the delight about real experiences
were huge. At the same time, war and its economic consequences
have been a cause of great concern. The book collects this multitude
of formats, from small but accomplished communication forums to
virtual specialist conferences and captivating spatial experiences. The
result is a realistic cross section of social requirements, current experience
formats and difficult framework conditions.Sample pages (PDF)
It is definite: The trade fair is not dead, the trade fair is changing! And, going forward, this will not be the last time it has to adjust with agility to new circumstances. Designers will need to analyze the qualities of space again more closely – be it the physical space or the digital space: Space should be staged and designed so as to support communication, facilitate encounter and experience, create an immersive effect and, of course, provide content which adds value. But this also means that communication strategies need to be fixed beforehand, particularly if the focus is on positions and visions rather than products as in the past. It will be about connecting people with brands on many different levels in order to shape the future together. The standard reference work in the trade fair design world.Search inside in
Now also available as a bundle: Event Design Yearbooks 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21. Three standard works of the event scene. A piece of contemporary history, as this bundle also documents the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and shows how creatively the industry responded to the new situation.
Now also available as a bundle: Trade fair design yearbooks 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21. Three standard works of the trade fair scene. A piece of contemporary history, as this bundle also documents the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and shows how creatively the industry responded to the new situation.
Through the connectivity of different cultures, technologies and living environments, the retail sector is increasingly varied and experimental. At the same time, the uncertainties of the last two years have shown that free international trade between nations and continents is a fragile asset. Retail chains have been severed and the availability of energy and raw materials is limited. Creative stopgaps, as well as analogue and digital elements that appeal to all our senses, give new impulses for urban retailing. On the way to a retail metaverse,
meets high-touch
.Dr. Jons Messedat is an architect and industrial designer. After work with Sir Norman Foster in London and in Berlin, he completed his doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar on the subject of Corporate Architecture. He teaches the Construction and Space module at HAWK Hildesheim and is a jury member in architecture and design competitions.Search inside on
Pioneering and outstanding design achievements are at the
heart of Focus Open 2022, one of the most renowned German
design competitions with an international orientation. For many
years, it has been an exclusive platform for companies and
professional designers from around the world – from industrial
heavyweights to small enterprises. This yearbook presents all the award-winning products of 2022.
High-quality images and detailed product descriptions are
supplemented by the lively commentary of the jurors. The prize
winners come from fi elds such as investment goods, healthcare,
bathrooms, kitchens, interiors, lifestyle, lighting, consumer electronics,
leisure, building technology, public design, mobility,
service design and materials + surfaces.Search inside on
Pioneering and outstanding design achievements are at the
heart of Focus Open 2023, one of the most renowned German
design competitions with an international orientation. For many
years, it has been an exclusive platform for companies and
professional designers from around the world – from industrial
heavyweights to small enterprises. This yearbook presents all the award-winning products of 2023.
High-quality images and detailed product descriptions are
supplemented by the lively commentary of the jurors. The prize
winners come from fi elds such as investment goods, healthcare,
bathrooms, kitchens, interiors, lifestyle, lighting, consumer electronics,
leisure, building technology, public design, mobility,
service design and materials + surfaces.Search inside on
After over two years of
COVID-19, there is now a bright light at the end of the tunnel: most events can
take place again. New formats and digital approaches have become established
and professionalised and the industry has gathered a wealth of valuable
But despite the waning
pandemic and the tangible delight about every event, the restart is not proving
easy due to a lack of personnel and war along with many still unanswered
questions surrounding digital and hybrid experiences.
Previous developments
and many of the 45 projects in this edition show new approaches, but in some
respects still no overall ideal answers. And that is quite alright – because we
are in the middle of a learning process!Katharina Stein is a specialist journalist and a connoisseur of the event design scene. In 2009 she founded eveosblog together with Henning Stein, one of the best-known and most widely read event blogs in Germany.Search inside on
What’s next? The question of whether future retail design will be analogue, digital or hybrid has long since been answered. Especially the mature inner cities are facing enormous innovation pressure. Smart alliances are being formed and daring retail concepts are being tried out that add value in the urban space. The new yearbook shows solutions that accompany us worldwide into the "new normal".Dr. Jons Messedat studied architecture and industrial design in Aachen, Stuttgart and London. He has been teaching the building and space module at the HAWK in Hildesheim with a focus on corporate interior. In 2018, he was appointed onto the jury of the state prize for architecture by the chamber of architects for the federal state of Lower Saxony.Search inside on
“We need new concepts for trade fairs as places of chance encounters. This might also be showrooms and brand worlds in places where people and ideas converge. What we need are open forums for critical and competent dialogue.” You will find lots of demands like this one expressed by Ranger Design in this special edition: The industry has given us an outlook of the near future and shows what they have achieved in the last few months, where they had to find alternatives, what new concepts evolved and how the trade fair format has changed in recent months (centuries).Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch are both architects, journalists and founders of PLOT – the network in the field of spatial staging. Since 2008 they have been publishing their own print and online magazines and reference books about scenography.The standard reference work in the trade fair design world.Search inside on
Special EditionFor over a year, the coronavirus has been holding us in its grip. Live events and brand experiences are either not possible at all or only with significant restrictions. The consequences and problems for the industry are enormous. But alongside this, it enabled us to learn a lot, surprise us and fascinate us with new ideas. Digital and hybrid experiences have developed dynamically, initiating new and creative approaches that are to perfected over the forthcoming years.An exceptional year that is summarised with a Special Edition. This edition builds bridges between events before and since the coronavirus, between analogue, hybrid and digital events.Katharina Stein is a specialist journalist and a connoisseur of the event design scene. In 2009 she founded eveosblog together with Henning Stein, one of the best-known and most widely read event blogs in Germany.
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Pioneering and outstanding design achievements are at the heart of Focus Open 2021, one of the most renowned German design competitions with an international orientation. For many years, it has been an exclusive platform for companies and professional designers from around the world – from industrial heavyweights to small enterprises.
This yearbook presents all the award-winning products of 2021. High-quality images and detailed product descriptions are supplemented by the lively commentary of the jurors. The prize winners come from fields such as investment goods, healthcare, kitchens, interiors, lifestyle, lighting, leisure, public design, mobility, service design and materials & surfaces.Search inside on
The processes of change throughout the retail sector have rapidly gained dynamism through the COVID-19 pandemic. In an unprecedented situation, social distancing has fuelled the integration of digital shopping functions and at the same time the yearning for real places of encounter. "Retail Design International" addresses these shifts and presents over 40 brave concepts that drive the retail shift forwards.The editor Dr. Jons Messedat is an architect, designer and author. His expertise in the building of corporate identity is in demand among global companies, as a jury member in architecture and design competitions, as well as at universities in Germany, Switzerland and the USA.Search inside on
The new edition of this successful series presents the status quo in exhibition design and scenography with over 110 projects and 15 interviews. The focus is on current trends and corresponding methods, renowned firms, exceptional designers and curators. The manifesto "Indian method – design in difficult times" takes a stand regarding the current social and political discourse and opens up new strategies for poetic spaces. The editors: Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt, M.A., is a cultural scientist, journalist, exhibition maker, since 2005 professor of text/verbal communication at the Design department of Peter Behrens School of Arts at the Hochschule Düsseldorf and teaches together with Philipp Teufel, director at the edi – Exhibition Design Institute. Teufel is a communication designer and teaches as a professor in the fields of Exhibition Design, Retail Design and 3D Communication. 2012−2016 he was the artistic consultant for the exhibition design of the Humboldt Forum at Berliner Schloss, together with Ralph Appelbaum Associates.
110 projects by Atelier Brückner to C&G Partners, Kossman.dejong, Holzer Kobler, Ralph Appelbaum and Sagmeister & Walsh to Hans Dieter Schaal and Tokujin Yoshioka 15 interviews with leading designers and cur ators about current trends and challenges.#designbooks: Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt interviewed by Dr. Petra Kiedaisch on YouTube (German only)#designbooks: Book presentation by Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt on YouTube (German only)Search inside on
Professional design has never been as important and par for the course as today. Pioneering and exceptional design achievements are at the centre of Focus Open 2020, one of the most renowned German design competitions with an international orientation. For many years, the competition has been an exclusive platform for companies and professional designers from all around the world – from industrial heavyweights to small companies.
The yearbook presents all the prize-winning products of 2020. The award winners come from e.g. the sectors of investment goods, healthcare, bathrooms, kitchens, interiors, lifestyle, lighting, consumer electronics, leisure, building technology, public design, mobility, service design and materials & surfaces. Focus Open, the state prize of the Baden-Württemberg state, shows what is state-of-the-art in terms of design, innovation and sustainability.Search inside on
Until spring 2020 the trade fair sector was still boasting: “You can’t email a handshake!” Then corona came along and everything was turned upside down: exhibitions were postponed, cancelled or relocated into digital space. It also brought forth new concepts with which we had not reckoned a couple of years ago: virtual twins, AR or VR walk-through stands, online exhibitions with new meeting formats, or quite different ideas that are currently turning the sector upside down, providing new impetuses and making the trade fair a place as we have never known it before. The new Trade Fair Design Annual presents not only the most exciting exhibition settings of the previous year but also entices us into virtual space.
Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch are both architects, journalists and founders of PLOT – the network in the area of spatial installations. Since 2008 they have been publishing print and online magazines as well as reference books in the wide field of scenography.#designbooks: Book introduction with Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch on YouTube (German only)#designbooks: Interview with the editors on YouTube (German only)Search inside on
The world is changing. A host of developments are impacting our lives: sustainability, values, equality, purpose, digitisation or "Gen Z". However, a consideration of the majority of brand experiences gives rise to the question: Where is the change? It occurred: with COVID-19! And suddenly it was about people’s lives, about our supply system and saving our and many other sectors.
This is therefore a special Event Design Yearbook. It allows us to revel in projects that have been prohibited for months in 2020. It also shows experience concepts from the time before COVID-19. With all the foreseen changes after the pandemic, as described for example by Cedric Ebener in the interview, one can only speculate how the concepts presented here might look in future.#designbooks: Author Katharina Stein about the book series on YouTube (German only)Search inside on
Hybrid systems not only revolutionise our mobility but also provide a fresh breath of air in retailing with the layering of various functions. Large-format building structures such as department stores and shopping centres are revitalised in line with climate optimisation and supplemented with small-scale mixed uses. Shared spaces for young start-ups and established brands offer greater variety and the opportunity to liven up too extensive spaces with new experiences and inspirations. Retail sharing has developed into an effective recipe against decreasing frequenting.
The fifth edition of “Retail Design International” pursues the phenomenon of hybrid spaces between new work, leisure and retail worlds. It presents collaborative concepts from the European, Asian and Pacific regions that reveal opportunities for the transformation from a point of sale to a point of experience.
The editor Dr. Jons Messedat is an architect, industrial designer and author. His expertise regarding the built identity of companies and brands – from design to management and realisation – is in demand among global companies, as a jury member in architecture and design competitions, as well as at universities in Germany, Switzerland and the USA.Search inside on
So-called instagrammability has long become part of our communication policy – has the design of trade fair stands also changed as a consequence? Is the presentation's focus no longer the product but rather the potential customer and their interaction? How important are live experiences in order to draw the full attention of visitors? What effect does this have on the communication strategy and on the spatial design? These are questions pursued by the new Trade Fair Design Annual with 60 exceptional examples.
Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch are both architects, journalists and founders of PLOT – the network in the field of spatial staging. Since 2008 they have been publishing their own print and online magazines and reference books about scenography.
The standard reference work in the trade fair design world.
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