How can artificial intelligence revolutionise interactions with visitors, ecological intelligence promote sustainable solutions, emotional intelligence create lasting ties between brands
and people, and artistic intelligence transform places into creative spaces? How can technological intelligence push the boundaries of what is possible and how can collective and social intelligence culminate in participatory concepts? The latest edition of the Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual aims to answer these questions and inspire exciting new projects by showcasing outstanding projects and presenting essays contributed by true industry experts.Search inside (pdf)Hersteller/manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Kontakt/contact: General information on product safety
Design models are an integral part of the design process, as
prototypes and providers of ideas for those products that are
later launched on the market as serial and mass goods. However,
working with models is an interdisciplinary undertaking:
The book reflects the design model as the basis for future concepts,
as a collector’s item in a museum and in its actual function
as a planning and work tool for designers and model builders.
The new edition has been shaped by a both turbulent and exciting
year. The demand for events and the delight about real experiences
were huge. At the same time, war and its economic consequences
have been a cause of great concern. The book collects this multitude
of formats, from small but accomplished communication forums to
virtual specialist conferences and captivating spatial experiences. The
result is a realistic cross section of social requirements, current experience
formats and difficult framework conditions.Sample pages (PDF)
It is definite: The trade fair is not dead, the trade fair is changing! And, going forward, this will not be the last time it has to adjust with agility to new circumstances. Designers will need to analyze the qualities of space again more closely – be it the physical space or the digital space: Space should be staged and designed so as to support communication, facilitate encounter and experience, create an immersive effect and, of course, provide content which adds value. But this also means that communication strategies need to be fixed beforehand, particularly if the focus is on positions and visions rather than products as in the past. It will be about connecting people with brands on many different levels in order to shape the future together. The standard reference work in the trade fair design world.Search inside in
After over two years of
COVID-19, there is now a bright light at the end of the tunnel: most events can
take place again. New formats and digital approaches have become established
and professionalised and the industry has gathered a wealth of valuable
But despite the waning
pandemic and the tangible delight about every event, the restart is not proving
easy due to a lack of personnel and war along with many still unanswered
questions surrounding digital and hybrid experiences.
Previous developments
and many of the 45 projects in this edition show new approaches, but in some
respects still no overall ideal answers. And that is quite alright – because we
are in the middle of a learning process!Katharina Stein is a specialist journalist and a connoisseur of the event design scene. In 2009 she founded eveosblog together with Henning Stein, one of the best-known and most widely read event blogs in Germany.Search inside on
“We need new concepts for trade fairs as places of chance encounters. This might also be showrooms and brand worlds in places where people and ideas converge. What we need are open forums for critical and competent dialogue.” You will find lots of demands like this one expressed by Ranger Design in this special edition: The industry has given us an outlook of the near future and shows what they have achieved in the last few months, where they had to find alternatives, what new concepts evolved and how the trade fair format has changed in recent months (centuries).Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch are both architects, journalists and founders of PLOT – the network in the field of spatial staging. Since 2008 they have been publishing their own print and online magazines and reference books about scenography.The standard reference work in the trade fair design world.Search inside on
Special EditionFor over a year, the coronavirus has been holding us in its grip. Live events and brand experiences are either not possible at all or only with significant restrictions. The consequences and problems for the industry are enormous. But alongside this, it enabled us to learn a lot, surprise us and fascinate us with new ideas. Digital and hybrid experiences have developed dynamically, initiating new and creative approaches that are to perfected over the forthcoming years.An exceptional year that is summarised with a Special Edition. This edition builds bridges between events before and since the coronavirus, between analogue, hybrid and digital events.Katharina Stein is a specialist journalist and a connoisseur of the event design scene. In 2009 she founded eveosblog together with Henning Stein, one of the best-known and most widely read event blogs in Germany.
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On the occasion of the 15-year anniversary of Idee und Klang Audio Design (Idea and Sound Audio Design), a publication has been created that is dedicated to sound scenography and at the same time reflects the work of the atelier. It includes questions about the still young field of acoustic exhibition design as well as personal experiences in the area of audio creation. The topic is framed by interviews and texts by guest authors within this discipline.With numerous sound examples via QR codes / Soundcloud appIdee und Klang Audio Design is a team of composers, sound designers and technologists who create artistic, historical or commercial living environments with sound and music. The works of the studio founded in 2005 comprise sophisticated media installations, exhibitions and brand facilities such as the National Museum of Qatar, BMW Museum in Munich and Imperial War Museum in London.Search inside on
It is interdisciplinary teams with complex compositions that develop and realise exhibitions. Groenlandbasel directs a network of specialists and with "Spaces and Stories" enables an insight into the cooperation and the dedicated efforts of a wide range of involved parties. Exhibition thinkers and exhibition makers express themselves alongside each other in essays, shorter highlights and interviews.
The texts are accompanied by a diverse selection of projects by Groenlandbasel: museum developments, special and permanent exhibitions, architecture, as well as indoor and outdoor installations. With text contributions including: Dominic Huber, Director Rimini Protokoll, Zurich; Nina Gorgus, Curator Historical Museum Frankfurt; Ramon De Marco, Sound Designer Idee und Klang, Basel; Daniel Tyradellis, freelance curator, Berlin; Beat Hächler, Director Alpine Museum of Switzerland, Bern; Sibylle Lichtensteiger, Director Stapferhaus Lenzburg.#designbooks: Book presentation by Groenlandbasel on YouTube (German only)Search inside on
The new edition of this successful series presents the status quo in exhibition design and scenography with over 110 projects and 15 interviews. The focus is on current trends and corresponding methods, renowned firms, exceptional designers and curators. The manifesto "Indian method – design in difficult times" takes a stand regarding the current social and political discourse and opens up new strategies for poetic spaces. The editors: Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt, M.A., is a cultural scientist, journalist, exhibition maker, since 2005 professor of text/verbal communication at the Design department of Peter Behrens School of Arts at the Hochschule Düsseldorf and teaches together with Philipp Teufel, director at the edi – Exhibition Design Institute. Teufel is a communication designer and teaches as a professor in the fields of Exhibition Design, Retail Design and 3D Communication. 2012−2016 he was the artistic consultant for the exhibition design of the Humboldt Forum at Berliner Schloss, together with Ralph Appelbaum Associates.
110 projects by Atelier Brückner to C&G Partners, Kossman.dejong, Holzer Kobler, Ralph Appelbaum and Sagmeister & Walsh to Hans Dieter Schaal and Tokujin Yoshioka 15 interviews with leading designers and cur ators about current trends and challenges.#designbooks: Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt interviewed by Dr. Petra Kiedaisch on YouTube (German only)#designbooks: Book presentation by Prof. Uwe J. Reinhardt on YouTube (German only)Search inside on
Until spring 2020 the trade fair sector was still boasting: “You can’t email a handshake!” Then corona came along and everything was turned upside down: exhibitions were postponed, cancelled or relocated into digital space. It also brought forth new concepts with which we had not reckoned a couple of years ago: virtual twins, AR or VR walk-through stands, online exhibitions with new meeting formats, or quite different ideas that are currently turning the sector upside down, providing new impetuses and making the trade fair a place as we have never known it before. The new Trade Fair Design Annual presents not only the most exciting exhibition settings of the previous year but also entices us into virtual space.
Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch are both architects, journalists and founders of PLOT – the network in the area of spatial installations. Since 2008 they have been publishing print and online magazines as well as reference books in the wide field of scenography.#designbooks: Book introduction with Sabine Marinescu and Janina Poesch on YouTube (German only)#designbooks: Interview with the editors on YouTube (German only)Search inside on
The world is changing. A host of developments are impacting our lives: sustainability, values, equality, purpose, digitisation or "Gen Z". However, a consideration of the majority of brand experiences gives rise to the question: Where is the change? It occurred: with COVID-19! And suddenly it was about people’s lives, about our supply system and saving our and many other sectors.
This is therefore a special Event Design Yearbook. It allows us to revel in projects that have been prohibited for months in 2020. It also shows experience concepts from the time before COVID-19. With all the foreseen changes after the pandemic, as described for example by Cedric Ebener in the interview, one can only speculate how the concepts presented here might look in future.#designbooks: Author Katharina Stein about the book series on YouTube (German only)Search inside on
The current credo of live communication is: Let them participate and decide! It seems that the times in which products were displayed in rigid procedures and self-celebratory event formats are over. Now the question is what will enthuse visitors, how can they be incorporated and not least encouraged to make social media posts.
A noticeable number of event formats in this edition indeed involve their participants to a great extent. This is evident in concepts orientated towards added value and experiences, as well as in possibilities for interaction and individual freedom of choice.
However, what sounds straightforward is a challenge. How does one overcome inhibitions? What enthuses spoilt visitors hungry for experiences? How does one create experiences suitable for social media? Many of the around 60 events in this edition show potential solutions in practice. An in-depth interview provides answers and advice from specialists.
Best cases of instagramable events and locations. 60 events in Germany, Belgium, China, South Korea, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, USA, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Spain, Qatar ...Search inside on
The best events, the latest trendsThe current edition of the Event Design Yearbook presents the best and most interesting events of the last year informatively, with a wealth of pictures.What is new, however, is the author: with the Yearbook 2018 / 2019, Katharina Stein – specialist journalist, scene insider and founder of eveosblog for event marketing – is looking for small and large, private and public, cultural and corporate, exceptional and fascinating events, which all distinguish themselves through the idea behind it and its realisation.Search inside on
20 years' Trade Fair Design Annual! This anniversary edition breaks all the records: more trade fair stands, more pages, more trends. Including an interview on the future of the trade fair.
Current brand communication is increasingly moving towards real-digital narratives. The storytelling trend plays a major role in this, as well as the type of communication, in times of complete digitisation. Particularly at trade fairs, personal discussion is still the key aspect of every presentation.
With this edition of the Trade Fair Design Annual, the authors present a series of successful examples of transmedia storytelling, attaching particular importance to the accomplished use of means of communication. What is decisive, however, is the exceptional design of the overall presentation, which can add communicative and therefore informative value for the exhibitor, as well as provide an emotional experience for the visitors.
We are living in a networked age and can no longer deny digitisation. Although the events sector is currently characterised primarily by live experiences, events are becoming increasingly hybrid: new forms of spatial communication are emerging, which blur the boundaries between real and virtual experience.
With this yearbook, the authors present, informatively and with a wealth of images, more than 50 successful examples where both digital innovation and personal encounters are the focus of the concept. Through numerous interviews with specialists in the sector, they venture a look into the future, in order to ask quite exclusively: "What is actually 'the next big thing'?"
The art of creating multimedia spacesTwo decades of experimental multimedia scenography: illustrated by 30 international award-winning projects, the successful Berlin-based studio Tamschick Media+Space provides an insight into the art of converting contents and objects into a three-dimensional, accessible, holistic experience of space by means of multimedia projections and of creating a lasting dramaturgical experience.Elaborate development processes are presented by means of comprehensive series of images and drafts: e.g. for Treasure Mainshow (Expo Shanghai), The Ting (Oslo), Time Machine (Wuxi), Kingdom of the Shadows (Trier) and Experience Frontiers (Biel). Well-known international authors from the fields of scenography, architecture, museum and brands share their experience in guest contributions.
City museums today: high-quality architecture and modern exhibition designThe Ludwigsburg Museum houses evidence of the art and cultural heritage of the city of Ludwigsburg and Württemberg. The modern conception and excellent exhibition graphics produce a convincing permanent exhibition that is regularly supplemented by special shows.Last year, the museum found a new home in a protected building from the era of the city founder, Eberhard Ludwig: In the historical building that was lovingly renovated by the architects Lederer+Ragnarsdóttir+Oei, who also added an extension, the borders between architecture and exhibition design (by HG Merz) blur. The result is a positive and highly attractive example of modern museum architecture.This illustrated book is a practical guide to the creation of buildings and exhibition with articles by Prof. Arno Lederer and Prof. HG Merz.
• New volume in the successful series “New Exhibition Design”
• More than 100 outstanding exhibitions worldwide
• Project descriptions, photos, plans and data
• Gives an outlook on the “Museum 3.0”
The book offers an up-to-date and comprehensive insight into state-of-the-art design and planning of exhibitions by presenting more than 100 project examples of renowned international designers from Germany to Korea, from Japan to the USA and Canada, from Norway to Italy. The many photos, plans and project data provide in-depth information about these projects, all of them extraordinary in terms of design and content and on the cutting edge of technological and social innovation. The selected projects are grouped in the following areas: exhibition (temporary), museum (permanent exhibitions), Expo, brand museums and centres, showrooms and shops, experiments, art and public space. The book also presents particularly innovative student projects. Philipp Teufel and Uwe J. Reinhardt are professors of Communication Design and of Text/Verbal Communication at the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf, with the main focus on museums and exhibitions.
"New Exhibition Design 1900–2000" examines the beginnings of exhibiting and outlines the new exhibition design of the 20th century. The book presents the most important exhibitions and exhibition designers from Europe and the USA. 100 brief portraits and a series of in-depth articles by experts look at trends and new design ideas from one hundred years of exhibiting. With articles by: Kai-Uwe Hemken, Simon Großpietsch, Ines Katenhusen, Renate Flagmeier, Anke te Heesen und Elisabeth Schweeger.Anna M. Müller and Frauke Möhlmann, both qualified communication designers, researched for more than two years at the edi – Exhibition Design Institute into the history of exhibitions. Their research results have been confirmed by experts from the whole of Europe and have triggered a new discussion on the historical development of exhibitions.Search inside on
The first guide for improved communication between the museum as client and designer as service provider"Without you it would be easier," comments editor Jan-Christian Warnecke from Landesmuseum Württemberg in Stuttgart with a twinkle in his eye when talking about the collaboration between client (museum) and contractor (designer) on exhibition projects. Together with guest authors experienced in exhibition he investigates this relationship, giving both sides the chance to have their say. That way experienced museum people find out how designers think, and designers gain an insight into the organisational structures of museums and the objectives they pursue. Practice-related texts about teaming, conflict potential, project management through to the disagreeable subject of money identify the problems which those involved in planning an exhibition will face, but also the opportunities. The practical and entertaining publication is intended to help the two sides understand each other better - because at the end of the day they both need each other! With articles by: Edwin Becker, Anja Dauschek, Hans-Peter Hüsch, Christine Kappei, Katja Lembke, Carolyn Marsden-Smith, Dennis Müller, Tobias Neumann, Moritz Schneider, Matthias Ohm, Renate Schliekmann, Ulrich Schwarz.Search inside on
First compendium about this design disciplinePresenting more than 40 international projects by Ralph Appelbaum, Atelier Brückner, Casson Mann, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, HG Merz Architekten, Imagination, MET Studio, Jean Nouvel and many moreThese days, exhibitions have to compete in an increasingly sophisticated leisure market. Previously aloof cultural institutions are making use of technologies and techniques more commonly associated with film and retailing. Exhibition-making is now synonymous with image-making, communication and the creation of a powerful experience."Exhibition Design" features examples of a wide variety of exhibitions from around the world, from major trade and commerce fairs, to well-known fine art institutions, to small-scale artist-designed displays. The introduction gives a historical perspective, with a particular focus on the developments of the twentieth century.The first part of the book presents conceptual themes of narrative space, performative space and simulated experience. "Techniques" covers the practical concerns of display, lighting, colour, sound and graphics.
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