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Design for Democracy – Reader
With the theme "Design for Democracy. Atmospheres for a better life", Frankfurt RheinMain holds the title of World Design Capital® 2026. Our motto "Let us design how we want to live" is an invitation to actively participate in shaping our living spaces and our democracy. Design has the power to shape collective processes, develop inclusive solutions and bring about social change. Ten guest authors address the ten fields of action of "Design for Democracy": Construction & Housing, Consumption, Culture & Media, Education, Health, Industry, Mobility, Public Space, Sport, Work.Manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany.Contact: sales@avedition.deGeneral information on product safety

Thought Made Material: The Model between Design Process and Museum Collection
Design models are an integral part of the design process, as prototypes and providers of ideas for those products that are later launched on the market as serial and mass goods. However, working with models is an interdisciplinary undertaking: The book reflects the design model as the basis for future concepts, as a collector’s item in a museum and in its actual function as a planning and work tool for designers and model builders.

Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual 2025
How can artificial intelligence revolutionise interactions with visitors, ecological intelligence promote sustainable solutions, emotional intelligence create lasting ties between brands and people, and artistic intelligence transform places into creative spaces? How can technological intelligence push the boundaries of what is possible and how can collective and social intelligence culminate in participatory concepts? The latest edition of the Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual aims to answer these questions and inspire exciting new projects by showcasing outstanding projects and presenting essays contributed by true industry experts.Search inside (pdf)Hersteller/manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Kontakt/contact: General information on product safety

Programmed for Hope – Architectural Experimentation at the HfG Ulm Building Department
"This book traces the legacy of the Department Building at the Ulm School of Design, where experimentation and intellectual rigor redefined modern architecture. Rooted in critical thinking and knowledge exchange, it brought together design, science, and creativity to address architecture’s complex challenges. Today, the open spirit of Ulm feels more urgent than ever, reshaping how we inhabit and imagine the future of our data-driven world."Georg Vrachliotis, Head of the Architecture Department, TU DelftSearch inside (pdf)Hersteller/manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Kontakt/contact: General information on product safety


Our books

Programmed for Hope – Architectural Experimentation at the HfG Ulm Building Department
"This book traces the legacy of the Department Building at the Ulm School of Design, where experimentation and intellectual rigor redefined modern architecture. Rooted in critical thinking and knowledge exchange, it brought together design, science, and creativity to address architecture’s complex challenges. Today, the open spirit of Ulm feels more urgent than ever, reshaping how we inhabit and imagine the future of our data-driven world."Georg Vrachliotis, Head of the Architecture Department, TU DelftSearch inside (pdf)Hersteller/manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Kontakt/contact: General information on product safety

Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual 2025
How can artificial intelligence revolutionise interactions with visitors, ecological intelligence promote sustainable solutions, emotional intelligence create lasting ties between brands and people, and artistic intelligence transform places into creative spaces? How can technological intelligence push the boundaries of what is possible and how can collective and social intelligence culminate in participatory concepts? The latest edition of the Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual aims to answer these questions and inspire exciting new projects by showcasing outstanding projects and presenting essays contributed by true industry experts.Search inside (pdf)Hersteller/manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany. Kontakt/contact: General information on product safety

Thought Made Material: The Model between Design Process and Museum Collection
Design models are an integral part of the design process, as prototypes and providers of ideas for those products that are later launched on the market as serial and mass goods. However, working with models is an interdisciplinary undertaking: The book reflects the design model as the basis for future concepts, as a collector’s item in a museum and in its actual function as a planning and work tool for designers and model builders.

Design for Democracy – Reader
With the theme "Design for Democracy. Atmospheres for a better life", Frankfurt RheinMain holds the title of World Design Capital® 2026. Our motto "Let us design how we want to live" is an invitation to actively participate in shaping our living spaces and our democracy. Design has the power to shape collective processes, develop inclusive solutions and bring about social change. Ten guest authors address the ten fields of action of "Design for Democracy": Construction & Housing, Consumption, Culture & Media, Education, Health, Industry, Mobility, Public Space, Sport, Work.Manufacturer: av edition GmbH, Senefelderstraße 109, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany.Contact: sales@avedition.deGeneral information on product safety

Focus Open 2024
Future-orientated and exceptional design performances are at the centre of the International Design Award Baden-Württemberg Focus Open 2024, one of the most renowned German design competitions with an international orientation. This yearbook presents all the award-winning products. The winners come from fields including investment goods, healthcare, bathrooms, kitchens, interiors, lifestyle, lighting, consumer electronics, leisure, building technology, public design, communication design, mobility, service design and materials & surfaces.Search inside (PDF)

Retail Design International Vol. 9 – Components, Spaces, Buildings
Whether it is the revitalisation of entire districts or the seasonal redesign of individual retail spaces – the topics of re-use and building on the fabric of existing buildings are becoming increasingly relevant throughout the retail sector. Creative re-use of empty department stores and shopping centres frees up space and resources. Exceptional concepts are presented in this yearbook. The author and architect Dr. Jons Messedat has been teaching the subject of Construction and Space at HAWK Hildesheim since 2016. He is an expert in the international retail design and corporate architecture scene.

Experience & Event Design 2024/2025
The world is in motion – and live communication along with it. There is particularly positive movement in the field of sustainability, with great transformation pressure and noticeably growing awareness. Social involvement is increasing, many seek to forge a sense of community and solidarity with their projects and to call for diversity, democracy and tolerance. At the same time, new technologies such as artificial intelligence are driving the developments forwards, extending not only the possibilities but also the challenges.Search inside (PDF)

Cœur de l’île. Inselspital, Anna-Seiler-Haus
This opulent photo book is dedicated to the Anna-Seiler-Haus in Bern. The new sixteen-storey building forms the centrepiece – also known as the Coeur de l'île – of the Inselspital, which is visible from afar in the cityscape. In general, visual relationships play a decisive role in orientation within the building and localisation in the urban context. The photographer HGEsch has succeeded in staging the collaborative work of the three architectural firms in a magnificent way across all scales, with surprising glimpses of details, views into and out of the neighbourhood and brilliant panoramic shots with the Bernese Alps on the horizon.Search inside (pdf)

Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual 2023/2024
When it comes to sustainable brand presentations, the question is no longer whether we can conserve resources and build green, but how! Sustainability has become a must. But to make circular brand spaces a reality, everyone – from exhibitors to designers to visitors – needs to pull in the same direction. The new issue of the Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual features successful examples that demonstrate an intentional approach to people and the environment – and are inspiring to boot.Editor Janina Poesch is a qualified architect, trained journalist and freelance author of numerous publications on the topics of the future, scenography and (brand) communication in space. She teaches Brand Spaces at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences and greatly appreciates the common thread in (brand) stories – the PLOT …Search inside (pdf)

Sustainable Architecture & Design 2023 / 2024
50 international projects in five categories present the most innovative and forward-looking solutions, whose contribution to building culture development is clearly evident. The focus is on all the relevant themes of transformation development: use of resources, circular processes, biodiversity etc. The editors take a comprehensive look at current developments in the building sector and inspire novelty. With InteriorPark., they have been driving sustainable developments in the building sector forwards since 2010.Search inside (pdf)

Urban building by Tadao Ando – weisenburger headquarters in Karlsruhe
The office complex in Karlsruhe is considered as Tadao Ando’s first urban design in Germany. The publication provides exclusive insights into the creation and planning of the building. Architecture photographs and building plans show Ando’s design formula: reduction to the essentials, exposed concrete on the scale of the tatami mats, strict geometries, precision and refined detail give the building its characteristic touch. The architect and client agreed on creating an aesthetic and energy-efficient building that meets the latest technical standards and offers the employees the best working conditions.Search inside (PDF)

Temple of Abstraction – Fumihiko Maki and the Museum Reinhard Ernst
The founder and patron Reinhard Ernst planned a home for his unique collection; the city of Wiesbaden provided a site in the heart of the city and the Japanese star architect Fumihiko Maki delivered the plans. The result is the Museum Reinhard Ernst for abstract art, an architectural gem, but also a building open to the public and a magnet for the international art public alike. The author Prof. Dr. Falk Jaeger is a building historian and works as an architecture critic and publicist in Berlin. He writes for major daily newspapers, specialist media and has published more than 40 books about architecture, urban development and monument preservation.Search inside (PDF)

ClaySecrets – From concept to perfect form: The art of clay modelling
Clay is the most widely used industrial plasticine in the world. The automotive industry, in particular, depends on 3D-clay models. Now, the first ever practical textbook on working professionally with industrial styling clay has arrived (in partnership with the manufacturer STAEDTLER). In this book, the author, a former design modeler in the automotive industry and current teacher at Selb Technical College, compiles his extensive knowledge on the topic of clay. The book not only sets out core theoretical and practical principles to support and encourage beginner modelers as they start out, with illustrated descriptions, workshops, tips and glossaries, it is also an invaluable resource for experienced design modelers, product designers and clay.Search inside (pdf)

Experience & Event Design 2023 / 2024
The new edition has been shaped by a both turbulent and exciting year. The demand for events and the delight about real experiences were huge. At the same time, war and its economic consequences have been a cause of great concern. The book collects this multitude of formats, from small but accomplished communication forums to virtual specialist conferences and captivating spatial experiences. The result is a realistic cross section of social requirements, current experience formats and difficult framework conditions.Sample pages (PDF)

Media Architecture Compendium Vol. 2 – Concepts, Methods, Practice
Media architecture has evolved from illuminating iconic building façades at night to characterising all life in cities. This compendium draws on academic research and global studies to present an evolutionary account of concepts that have defined the field and inspired practice, alongside methods for bringing media architecture thinking into projects.  Thirty media architecture installations that were nominated for the Media Architecture Awards in 2018 and 2020 illustrate the breadth and trends in the field, including a shift towards more-than-human futures. Through its three parts, capturing concepts, methods and practice, the compendium offers an accessible guide to media architecture for designers, architects, artists, scholars, educators and learners.Search inside on

Provisorium / Stopgap
European Architectural Photography Prize 2023Architekturbild, the European Architectural Photography Prize, has been awarded on a two-yearly basis since 1995. Numerous synonyms are offered for the term "stopgap", such as replacement, emergency solution, transitional or interim solution. We all know such expedients from the private environment as well as from public life. The 28 awarded series of EAP 2023 show stopgaps that make us smile tolerantly or thoughtful, they discover imaginative solutions, but they can also point out to shortcomings.Search inside on

Loewe. 100 Jahre Designgeschichte – 100 Years Design History
In the iF ranking, Loewe is among the top 10 German companies awarded for exceptional design performances. This is a good reason to take a close look at the design history of the company on the occasion of its 100-year anniversary. The design historian Kilian Steiner distinguishes three historical phases: The first phase (1923 to 1945) marks the build-up and destruction of the Loewe brand. In the second phase (1945 to 1985), the focus was on the rebuilding of Loewe and overcoming numerous changes. The third period from 1985 onwards saw the rise of Loewe to an internationally renowned design brand. For the first time, the creative minds in product and communication design who contributed to the development of the brand are named and previously unknown details of the Loewe corporate history are revealed.From its foundation in 1923 to the invention of the electronic television in 1931, Loewe has evolved into a globally operating design brand. A unique combination of German engineering, excellence, exclusive design and sustainability have shaped the brand culture.Search inside on

Design Education in Germany 2023 – Contribution to public value
Today, it seems more urgent than ever to focus more attention in design on the common good. This is because we are faced with the consequences of a design methodology that is geared towards the good of individuals wherever we look. The concept of public value seesm ideal as a way of focusing design edu-cation more strongly on the common good: »Public value is what the public values.« It provides an alternative to one-sided orientations such as the shareholder value paradigm. The iF Design Foundation 2022 has carried out the present study in order to determine the public value of design study programs at German universities. This study provides a basis for encouraging and realizing a form of design education in Germany geared towards the common good. This publication also contains a list of all design courses of study at German universities.The iF Design Foundation is an educational foundation based in Hanover, Germany. It is committed to the common good and focuses on academic research and education in the context of design.Search inside on

Brand Experience & Trade Fair Design Annual 2022/23
It is definite: The trade fair is not dead, the trade fair is changing! And, going forward, this will not be the last time it has to adjust with agility to new circumstances. Designers will need to analyze the qualities of space again more closely – be it the physical space or the digital space: Space should be staged and designed so as to support communication, facilitate encounter and experience, create an immersive effect and, of course, provide content which adds value. But this also means that communication strategies need to be fixed beforehand, particularly if the focus is on positions and visions rather than products as in the past. It will be about connecting people with brands on many different levels in order to shape the future together. The standard reference work in the trade fair design world.Search inside in

Bundle Event Design Yearbook 2018–2021
Now also available as a bundle: Event Design Yearbooks 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21. Three standard works of the event scene. A piece of contemporary history, as this bundle also documents the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and shows how creatively the industry responded to the new situation.

Bundle Trade Fair Design Annual 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20
Now also available as a bundle: Trade fair design yearbooks 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21. Three standard works of the trade fair scene. A piece of contemporary history, as this bundle also documents the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and shows how creatively the industry responded to the new situation.

Retail Design International Vol. 8 − Components, Spaces, Buildings
Through the connectivity of different cultures, technologies and living environments, the retail sector is increasingly varied and experimental. At the same time, the uncertainties of the last two years have shown that free international trade between nations and continents is a fragile asset. Retail chains have been severed and the availability of energy and raw materials is limited. Creative stopgaps, as well as analogue and digital elements that appeal to all our senses, give new impulses for urban retailing. On the way to a retail metaverse,   high-tech meets high-touch .Dr. Jons Messedat is an architect and industrial designer. After work with Sir Norman Foster in London and in Berlin, he completed his doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar on the subject of Corporate Architecture. He teaches the Construction and Space module at HAWK Hildesheim and is a jury member in architecture and design competitions.Search inside on

Focus Open 2022
Pioneering and outstanding design achievements are at the heart of Focus Open 2022, one of the most renowned German design competitions with an international orientation. For many years, it has been an exclusive platform for companies and professional designers from around the world – from industrial heavyweights to small enterprises. This yearbook presents all the award-winning products of 2022. High-quality images and detailed product descriptions are supplemented by the lively commentary of the jurors. The prize winners come from fi elds such as investment goods, healthcare, bathrooms, kitchens, interiors, lifestyle, lighting, consumer electronics, leisure, building technology, public design, mobility, service design and materials + surfaces.Search inside on

Focus Open 2023
Pioneering and outstanding design achievements are at the heart of Focus Open 2023, one of the most renowned German design competitions with an international orientation. For many years, it has been an exclusive platform for companies and professional designers from around the world – from industrial heavyweights to small enterprises. This yearbook presents all the award-winning products of 2023. High-quality images and detailed product descriptions are supplemented by the lively commentary of the jurors. The prize winners come from fi elds such as investment goods, healthcare, bathrooms, kitchens, interiors, lifestyle, lighting, consumer electronics, leisure, building technology, public design, mobility, service design and materials + surfaces.Search inside on

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