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Computational Design – From Promise to Practice

Produktinformationen "Computational Design – From Promise to Practice"

Computational design is a post-disciplinary pursuit that operates at the intersection of science, engineering, architecture, and design. What new strategies, tools, methods, and workflows for conceptualising, generating and producing the built environment do and can computational designers use? Do new opportunities to enhance design agency and realise more sustainable and resilient built environment design outcomes exist when thinking through technology? How can the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry overcome technical, economic, social, cultural, and regulatory barriers to implement new systems and processes?

"Computational Design – From Promise to Practice" argues that to realise the full potential of computational design necessitates an approach that brings theory and research inquiry into closer dialogue with the realities and conditions of the design, delivery, and production of the built and urban environment as well as its lived experiences. This book documents an action-research approach that underpins the Computational Design Education and Research program at the University of New South Wales, Australia and that simultaneously combines theory and practice, researchers and industry practioners, and action and reflection. The innovative range of theoretical positions and projects presented here demonstrate how a synergistic approach to transforming real-world industry challenges into academic research inquiries and learning opportunities can in turn positively transform the AEC industry and 21st century cities.

The editors: 

Dr Nicole Gardner is a Lecturer in the Bachelor of Computational Design, in the Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney. She is an Australian Registered Architect with architecture practice experience in Adelaide, London, and Sydney. Her research and teaching engages an interdisciplinary range of ideas to investigate the changing relationships between digital and computational technologies and the design, delivery and production of the built environment.

Associate Professor M. Hank Haeusler is the founder and Discipline Director of the Bachelor of Computational Design – the world’s first undergraduate degree in Computational Design – at the Built Environment Faculty at the University of New South Wales. He is also Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing and Vice President of the Media Architecture Institute. 

Dr. Yannis Zavoleas is an Architect Engineer licenced in Greece. He is Senior Lecturer in Computational Design at the Faculty of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, where he focuses on the influences of computing and digital and analogue tools as "tools for thought" in design creativity. 

Theory and practice of a groundbreaking and emergent technology, including case studies by leading researchers: BIM modeling, digital fabrication, smart cities, responsive enviroment, gaming.

M. Hank Haeusler auf YouTube

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